Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Relationship between Certificate Levels and Certificate of Registration Courses

Certificate courses are becoming valuable to big companies now a days. The reason is simple: certificate courses allow a student to learn about a specific subject quickly which meets the need of the employers. 

Now the question is: What does certificate levels actually mean? Moreover what is the difference between conventional certificate courses and the certificate of registration courses provided by reet? We will try to investigate this differences in this post.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) are the authority who administers the education system on behalf of Australian government. According to AQF the overall education system is divided into ten level from which Level 1 to 4 is defined as certificate. Let’s have a look at each level to get better understanding about what “certificate levels” means in Australia.

Level 1:

After graduating from level one, students should have fundamental knowledge of everyday life. They can involve in the community and will be ready for the next level. Time duration is 1 to 6 months in level one.

Level 2:

After achieving level two certificate, students can will have specific knowledge about a subject and can perform routine tasks. Maximum time to complete level two is 6 months.

Level 3:

Students who complete level three are expected to have cognitive, technical and communication skills in a particular subject. Graduates will be able to handle complex situation. Course duration is 4 months to 1 year.

Level 4:

Graduates from this level can work in a complex and structured environment. They can identify and report problems independently.

There are 43 Universities and 64 technical Institute called TAFE in all over Australia who provide a wide range of certificate courses. Now that we have a general understanding about certificate courses provided by typical Australian institutes, let’s discuss about certificate course of registration that is provided at reet.

Reet is a well-known education provider for compulsory professional development (CPD) program across Sydney NSW. CPD courses are designed to increase the knowledge, skills and professionalism of people who are already working in the real estate industry. The aim of the courses provided by reet is to increase consumer protection and promote consumer confidence in the real estate industry. Reet is a registered education provider approved by ASQA.

Certificate of Registration course is a 3 day short course which covers 4 compulsory subject defined by the office of fair trading. This course is mandatory for people who wish to work in real estate agencies. After successfully attending the course a student is issued a statement of attainment. When an applicant submit this statement of attainment with other required document to OFT, they issue a certificate of registration as a recognition of real estate sales person.

Certification of registration course is equivalent with certificate level four defined by AQF. Hopefully, at this point the relationship between certificate level courses and certificate of registration course is clear to the future real estate agents.

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