Friday, 7 June 2013

What Is Included in Real Estate Training

The main training course is split up into several categories to give you time to soak up all of the information needed. With a concise training course consisting of various training modules, the standard real estate training course syllabus consists of the following learning modules:

The Law

This module focuses on the law surrounding real estate and how the law impacts on your daily tasks surrounding property management. Delving into moral and ethical requirements as well as the law of the land and how to work with it, you will study the required documentation and applicable recording of transactions, roles of employees, money handling and personnel registration.

Work in Real Estate

In this module, you will confront the issues surrounding potential risks to clients and your agency. You will study how to identify risks and draw up and implement plans and procedures for reducing and managing risks and other associated consumer risks. 

Report and appraise

In this module, the real estate training study focuses on property research, appraisal of price ranges, rental value and final sale prices for the purpose of the property listing.

Property Listing

This module helps training estate agents to establish client requirements for their property, listing property in confirmation of legal and ethical requirements, preparation and execution of the agency agreement and also in recording and acting on instructions

Market Property

In this module, you will study how to develop marketing plans for the property as well as checking marketing materials, the implementation of marketing activities as well as review and reporting on marketing plans down the line.

Preparation for/and conducting auctions

There is a key focus on how to get your auction off the ground and how to plan for every eventuality, as well as planning for after-sale follow-ups and sales procedures.

Negotiation and settlements

This module focuses on qualifying the buyer and for the arrangement of a property inspection for a potential buyer. A key area of study is on maintaining communications with the seller as well as the submission process of offers on properties and preparing the necessary documentation required.

Lease Property

In this module, one of the most important modules which appear later in the schedule, the trainee will learn how to screen tenant enquiries, undertake all the necessary property inspections, obtain and review the tenancy applications as well as record the tenancy agreements. A key point of the module is the study of promoting agencies property management services, as well as establishing client relationships, planning property listing presentations as well as recording and acting on instructions.

Trust Accounts

In the final module of the training program, the trainee will undertake a study of reviewing agency trust accounts for compliance with the trust account executives, how to authorise and verify the trust accounts you are working on as well as managing and controlling these trust accounts for your clients.

With such a comprehensive education for real estate available for you to undertake, you will find that the best training companies will offer you a scope of study beyond that which you need to learn, and offer a complex argument about moral and ethical sales in the real estate environment. With this understanding of the requirements and study plans for the real estate training courses, you will be well on your way to getting a head start in gaining accreditation.